The Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) published a request for information (RFI), NOT-OD-22-186, to solicit input from stakeholders across the scientific research, advocacy, and patient communities, as well as the public, to inform the topics that will be included in the forthcoming NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women.
ORWH plans on factoring in recent public health events (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic) that have had a significant impact on the health of women. Several topics relevant to the health of women were reviewed by NIH and the Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health (ACRWH), through a congressionally directed and ORWH-led “Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women: A 2021 Conference.” The recommendations that ACRWH made as a result of this conference, as well as recent scientific advances (new technologies, current health priorities, and feedback from this RFI), will be considered in the development of the NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women, whose goal will be to guide future NIH research efforts to improve the health of all women throughout the life course.
ORWH is responsible for an NIH-wide strategic plan that helps prioritize NIH resources for conducting and supporting research efforts on the health of women across NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs). The strategic plan for 2019–2023, Advancing Science for the Health of Women: The Trans-NIH Strategic Plan for Women’s Health Research, was developed by a collaborative group of leaders from the ICOs, external stakeholders, and the public. The plan incorporates the missions of the ICOs and ORWH’s mission to pave the way toward scientific and workforce efforts that ultimately benefit the health and biomedical research careers of women.
Input on the next strategic plan will be accepted through Thursday, September 29, 2022. All responses must be submitted electronically here. Send any inquiries to