Leaders from the Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH), Director Janine Clayton, M.D., FARVO, Deputy Director Vivian Ota Wang, Ph.D., FACMG, CGC, Associate Director for Interdisciplinary Research Elizabeth Barr, Ph.D., and Associate Director of Clinical Research Sarah Temkin, M.D., presented on a panel at the 2024 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. The annual meeting aims to highlight innovative health services research and to provide insight into the state of health policy.
The panel presentation explored the breadth of ORWH and NIH research and programming on key issues in women’s health, including chronic disease, gender as a social and structural variable, and data science, through efforts such as ORWH’s research programs, strategic planning, and policy. The panel highlighted opportunities to leverage the renewed energy directed toward women’s health due to the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research announced by President Biden in November 2023.
Dr. Clayton recounted about the panel presentation, “Together, we made a compelling case for the need for research focused on the health of women and a comprehensive approach that considers biological and social factors, the life course, and female-specific conditions and accounts for sex influences using cutting edge research approaches.”