Research on Gender Measurement

Date and Time

– November 4, 2024, 04:00 PM EST

Virtual only.

Event Information

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The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office are hosting a virtual webinar on Monday, November 4, 2024, to highlight research supported through last year’s Notice of Special Interest: Research on Gender Measurement (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) (NOT-OD-23-046). 

Event Registration


Format: Each presenter is to take 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A (20 minutes total)
The panel discussion will take place after the four presentations.  

Download This Agenda  



11:00 a.m. 


Elizabeth Barr, Ph.D.
Associate Director 
for Interdisciplinary Research
NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) 


11:02 a.m. 

Opening Remarks

Karen Parker, Ph.D.
NIH Sexual and Gender Minority 
Research Office (SGMRO) 


11:20 a.m. 


Speaker Introductions 


Elizabeth Barr, Ph.D. 


11:25 a.m.


Sexual Orientation and Gender 
Identity (SOGI) Measures and Viral Suppression for People Living with 
HIV (PLWH) Using Integrated 
Electronic Health Records 


Jiajia Zhang, Ph.D.
Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina  


11:45 a.m. 

Measuring Sex and Gender 
Across the Life Course in 
Longitudinal Research 

Brittany Charlton, Sc.D., M.Sc.
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


12:05 p.m.


Investigating the Portability of an Automated Coding System of the 
Two-Step Method of Gender 


Annesa Flentje, Ph.D.
School of Nursing
University of California, San Francisco 

12:25 p.m. 

Views of Gender in Adolescence 

Kristina Olson, Ph.D.
Princeton University 


12:45 p.m.

Panel Discussion 



1:05 p.m. 




2:00 p.m.


Speaker Introductions  


Christopher Barnhart, Ph.D.


2:05 p.m.


Peer Victimization and Risky Alcohol 
Use Among Sexual Minority Youth: 
Understanding Mechanisms and Contexts 


Amy Hequembourg, Ph.D.
Jennifer Livingston, Ph.D.
School of Nursing
University at Buffalo 


2:25 p.m.


Developing and Testing a Culturally 
and Linguistically Affirming Gender Identity Measure for Latine 
Adolescents and Parents  


Maya Ragavan, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh 


2:45 p.m. 

An Intersectional Approach to 
Gender Affirmation in Sex and Gender Reporting Among Racial/Ethnically Diverse 
Trans Populations 

Gregory Phillips II, Ph.D.
Feinberg School of Medicine

Arjee Restar, Ph.D.
School of Public Health
Northwestern University 


3:05 p.m.

Measuring Gender in the Healthy 
Oregon Project 

Jessica Gorman, Ph.D., M.P.H.
College of Health
Oregon State University 


3:25 p.m.


Panel Discussion 



3:45 p.m. 


Closing Remarks 


Janine Austin Clayton, M.D., FARVO
Director, ORWH
Associate Director, 
Research on Women’s Health 


4:00 p.m.Adjourn Elizabeth Barr, Ph.D.