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Women's Health Research in Review
Science has brought us unimagined progress, but there's still so much to learn.

We've made strides for women.

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Couple holding up pregnancy test.

Our research led to the invention of the home pregnancy test.

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Mother holding her child

We discovered how to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child.

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Teen girl getting a shot by doctor.

We now have vaccines that protect against certain types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers, and other cancers.

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Back of woman.

There are 10,000-15,000 fewer cases of breast cancer each year in the United States thanks to findings from the Women's Health Initiative.

The health care savings far exceeded the study's cost.

We have found differences between men and women, translating to better care for mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.

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Woman taking a pill.

We learned that certain medications — from aspirin to zolpidem — affect men and women differently.

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Close up of a womans eye.

Two-thirds of people age 40 and older who are visually impaired or blind are women.

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Woman breaking a cigarette in half.

Studies show that women have a more difficult time quitting smoking, and respond differently to nicotine replacement treatments.

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Woman looking to the right and smiling.

Chronic TMJ disorders, like other pain disorders, are more common in women.

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Woman in military uniform.

Being deployed increases suicide risk for women more than for men.

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Woman looking outside window.

In those addicted to cocaine, women respond more strongly to stress than men do.

This highlights the need for treatment strategies for women that target stress reduction.

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Man leaning against wall.

Osteoporosis is less common in men than in women, but it still poses a threat to men as they age.

Racial and ethnic differences also may have an impact on bone mineral density and fracture risk among older men.

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Woman kicking soccer ball.

Female athletes are more likely than men to tear their ACL.

Researchers are studying prevention strategies for women.

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Woman sitting in wheelchair.

Women are more susceptible to multiple sclerosis (MS) than men are, but men tend to develop a particularly severe form of disease.

Research is showing that hormones may have a role in MS treatment.

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Group of women in swimming pool.

Middle-aged women and older women have more strokes than men at those life stages, with poorer functional outcomes.

New stroke guidelines are available for women and their health providers.

Our bodies are unique.

Our bodies are incredible.

Science has brought us unimagined progress.

But there remains so much to learn.

To our scientists...

Include female animals in studies.

Use female and male cells.

Enroll women in clinical studies.

Analyze your data by sex and gender, and publish your results.

We can change the status quo.

For more advances benefitting women and men, boys and girls